Inclusivity for visualization education: a brief History, investigation, and guidelines


  • Elif E. Firat Department of Computer Science, Swansea University, Wales, UK
  • Robert S. Laramee Department of Computer Science, Swansea University, Wales, UK



Diversity and inclusion are currently very trendy themes in higher education in science, mainstream culture, and the visualization community. However, the study of diversity with respect to spatial cognition has a long and rich research history extending far beyond the birth of the visualization community. In this brief study, we present a short historical overview of research on the topic of gender diversity and spatial cognition that dates back to the 1940s. We follow this with a small investigation of gender bias in our own data visualization classroom for university students studying computer science. Finally, we round this overview up, with concise recommendations on how to make the visualization classroom more inclusive to support diversity. We believe this educational paper provides a convenient introduction and overview to the topic of diversity in the visualization classroom.


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